
Tutti i prodotti Made by ValeRaku




Collana realizzata a mano in ceramica Raku, color bianco e nero raku (pesa solo 170 grammi), assemblata con elastico , annodata in chiusura. Si infila.
Facile da indossare e da abbinare, ideale anche come idea regalo per diverse occasioni.
Materiale non trattato, totalmente anallergico ed adatto a tutti i tipi di pelle.
Indossata misura 30 cm.


Handmade necklace made in Raku ceramic, white and black raku colours and very light (weighs only 170 grams), assembled with elastic, knotted in the closure. It slips.
Easy to wear and to combine, also ideal as a gift for different occasions.
Material not treated, totally hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types.
Measure wearing 30 cm

Peso 150 g
Dimensioni 25 cm