
Tutti i prodotti Made by ValeRaku



1 disponibili

Collana realizzata a mano in ceramica Raku, color turchese/rame/verde (pesa solo 115 grammi), assemblata con elastico , annodata in chiusura. Si infila.
Facile da indossare e da abbinare, ideale anche come idea regalo per diverse occasioni.
Materiale non trattato, totalmente anallergico ed adatto a tutti i tipi di pelle.
Indossata misura 36 cm.


Handmade necklace made in Raku ceramic, tourquise/copper/green colours and very light (weighs only 115 grams), assembled with elastic, knotted in the closure. It slips.
Easy to wear and to combine, also ideal as a gift for different occasions.
Material not treated, totally hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types.
Measure wearing 36 cm

Peso 150 g
Dimensioni 25 cm